Saturday, October 30, 2010

Your Not Perfect For Everyone, But You Are Perfect For Someone

We all have gone out on a few dates with people who weren't necessarily a good fit for us, it doesn't mean they were bad people, just not exactly what we were looking for at that time. Sometimes they become a close friend, or we introduce them to someone we think would be a better fit. Everything is not for everybody. Every person you meet is not meant to be your long lost love or significant other. The unique personality traits you have will be perfect for some individuals, but not all. So don't consume yourself with negative thoughts about why that guy/girl didn't call you back, or why someone doesn't want to see you anymore. Better yet look for the happiness that person brought to your life for a short moment.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Conflict is Normal

Conflict is normal and yet one of the hardest things to deal with in relationships. Arguments and fights come out of a need to control or a feeling that something is missing in our lives, but what we verbally express usually sounds something like "someone has done to me". We you dig deeper into your core you may find your discontent is really not what someone has done to you, but call for love and affection.

Monday, October 25, 2010

True Love Does Not Look Out For Self

How much of your day is filled with things done only for your own good? Do you ever really (I mean really) do things to make others happy or is the end result of your good gesture still for your own well being? Most of us have a natural instinct to look out for ourselves first, but true love is not selfish. Learning to put yourself last allows love to come first.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Love yourself first!

The desire to have strong affection from another human being or warm attachment is a feeling all of us want, that feeling is love. But how do we achieve such and unselfish devotion? The ability to give and receive love happens effortlessly only when you love yourself first.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Invite Happiness into your life!

With all the stress of everyday life sometimes we forget to smile. When you smile you invite happiness into your life. Try walking around with a smile today and see how much better you feel at the end of the day.